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MediaWiki-м кӓнгӓшӹмӓш:Pageinfo-footer

Лаштык кӧргым моло йылмылан келыштарыме огыл.
Википедий — эрыкан энциклопедий гыч материал

Велыж нерген информаций

[кодым тӧрлаташ]

Hello! Since a few weeks ago, a "Велыж нерген информаций" link has been added to your "Ӱзгар-влак" in the sidebar, giving information and statistics on the pages (background). You may want to modify this message to add content to the end of the information page, see Meta:MediaWiki:Pageinfo-footer which has some tools previously on MediaWiki:Histlegend. I hope this helps, Nemo 09:31, 4 Теле 2012 (UTC)